CME於2015/6/10開始, 全面改用FIX/SBE的方式並停用FIX/FAST
FIX的重大改變The following data will be removed from the FIX/FAST Market Data Incremental Refresh (35=X) message format:
Tag 75-TradeDate - only the time is included on each message to save space. The Trade Date will be included on every Security Status (35=f) message update.
Tag 273-MDEntryTime - Currently, tag 273-MDEntryTime is sent in each Market Data Incremental Refresh (35=X) message data block. Beginning with this release, the Start of Event timestamp (tag 60-TransactTime) will be sent once for each message. This will provide a more accurate timestamp for the message blocks.
The following market data will no longer be sent:
- Better Bid/Offer (CLAST)
- Simulated Buy/Sell
- Calculated Prices for Trades (Leg or Implied Orders Only)
- Net Change
- Tick Direction
- Trade Condition
Tag 731-SettlPriceType will be used for settlement prices; tag 286-OpenCloseSettlFlag will no longer be sent for settlement prices.
The table below shows the relationship between the MDP and iLink tags.
(Previous MDP Format[FAST]) (MDP3.0 New [FIX/SBE])
tag 1151-SecurityGroup : tag 6937-Asset
tag 55-Symbol : tag 1151-SecurityGroup
tag 107-SecurityDesc : tag 55-Symbol
The following new tags will be added to the Market Data Security Definition (35=d) message:
tag 779-LastUpdateTime indicates the timestamp for when the instrument was last added, modified or deleted.
tag 1300-MarketSegmentID identifies the market segment for all CME Globex Instruments.
tag 6937-Asset indicates the underlying asset code, which was previously disseminated in tag 1151-SecurityGroup.
tag 167-SecurityType indicates the type of security.
tag 6350-TickRule indicates the VTT Code provided for instruments with variable ticks in addition to the Tick Size in Tag 969-MinPriceIncrement.
tag 37702-MainFraction indicates the price denominator of the main fraction.
tag 37703-SubFraction indicates the price denominator of the sub fraction.
tag 9800-PriceDisplayFormat indicates the number of decimals in the displayed price (e.g., for price '100.25' will = '2')
tag 731-SettlPriceType will be sent for settlement prices. It will contain a bitmap field of Boolean type indicators representing the settlement price type as described for the Incremental Refresh message.
The following tags will be removed from the Market Data Security Definition (35=d) message:
tag 5796-TradingReferenceDate
tag 827-ExpirationCycle
tag 107-SecurityDesc
tag 9853-PricingModel
tag 454-NoSecurityAltID with repeating groups: tag 455-SecurityAltID and tag 456-SecurityAltIDSource
tag 1144-ImpliedMarketIndicator (implied eligibility for instruments will be found in the tag 871-InstAttribType=24 repeating group).
tags from the Leg repeating group (tag 555-NoLegs):
- tag 5795-LegSecurityGroup
- tag 600-LegSymbol
- tag 608-LegCFICode
- tag 764-LegSecuritySubType
- tag 556-LegCurrency
- tag 610-LegMaturityMonthYear
- tag 612-LegStrikePrice
- tag 616-LegSecurityExchange
- tag 620-LegSecurityDesc
- tag 942-LegStrikeCurrency
- tag 286-OpenCloseSettlFlag
Previous MDP Format (FAST) | MDP 3.0 (New Market Data Format - SBE) | iLink Order Entry | tag1151-SecurityGroup | tag 6937-Asset | tag1151-SecurityGroup | tag 55-Symbol | tag1151-SecurityGroup | tag 55-Symbol | tag 107-SecurityDesc | tag 55-Symbol | tag 107-SecurityDesc |
以CME的用戶端iLink來看, 應該是要讓MDP3.0經過轉換後相容於之前的對應
個人觀點: 項目/格式 | FIX/FAST(舊的MDP) | FIX/SBE(新的MDP3.0) | 概念 | 以商品訊息為主軸 | 以資料處理為主軸 | 格式 | 格式繁多雜亂,重複設計,焦點不明確 | 格式統一,功能明確,變動可能性降低 | 封包 | FAST壓縮,位元組傳輸量較少 | Binary無壓縮,封包數增加20%~50%,傳輸量大增 | 閱讀 | 封包內容經FAST壓縮,人工閱讀困難 | 結構化Binary資料,內容單純易於確認與溝通 | 行情解讀 | 一個商品一個訊息更新 | 一個訊息多個商品更新 | 成交揭示 | 一個商品一個訊息完成,較為單純 | 一個商品兩個訊息完成,恐增加行情處理負載 | 價位小數 | 只有小數三位數 | 完整小數位數 | Tick合併 | 逐筆不合併,真實呈現 | 同一個TimeStamp同價合併,Tick大幅度減量 | 實測數據 | 整體原始數據量所需位元組較少 | 可高達FAST的2.33倍,也就是增加1300%,需更大的頻寬確保品質 |
價位小數點的差異: 以期貨商品同時段同範圍資料量比較:
FIX/FAST: Channel ( 7,9,11,13,15,30,31,32,33,60,111,117,113,115 )
FIX/SBE: Channel ( 310,312,314,316,318,382,386,384,360,320,340,346,342,344 ) 新格式明顯為舊格式的2倍多
GMDS的規劃與建置, 介紹由當前FAST移轉到SBE的方式
Future |
/channel 7,9,11,13,15,30,31,32,33,60,111,117,113,115,801 |
Option CBT
/channel 112,114,116 |
Option CME
/channel 8,12,61 |
Option NYM
/channel 35,38 |
(PS: 801 or 117是設定相同的Group進系統, 只會有其中之1)
Future |
Option CBT
Option CME
Option NYM
(PS: 選擇權設定有點亂, 用顏色把對應交易所的商品標示出來, 不符合交易所的設定商品可以移除)
Future |
/channel 310,312,314,316,318,382,386,384,360,320,340,346,342,344 |
Option CBT
/channel 341,343,345 |
Option CME
/channel 311,315,321 |
Option NYM
/channel 383,361 |
FIX/SBE的GMDS/PatsEmu-CME設定為 (也就是沒有改變)
Future |
Option CBT
Option CME
Option NYM
如果選用Multi-DB版本來規劃, 可以簡化為 (基於Future/Option的應用或架構方式可能不同, 還是規劃成兩個分流)
Future |
/channel 310,312,314,316,318,382,386,384,360,320,340,346,342,344 |
/channel 341,343,345,311,315,321,383,361 |
Future |
Multi-DB版本的PatsEmu-CME提供 /GroupMap 參數(點連結直接參考)
所以, 針對Future與Option的GroupMap設定檔可以分別這樣設計
PatsEmu-CME GroupMap for Future"XCME",0x8100
PatsEmu-CME GroupMap for Option"O_XCME",0x8101
"LO|XNYM",0x8202 '交易所XNYM的LO全部選擇權
(PS: 由於LO有獨立抽出, 所以O_XNYM中不含LO商品, 於此例中只剩ON而已)
不同於之前的設置方式, 差異如表
TSHS-TfsRaw |
PatsEmu-CME |
數據庫(DbfId) |
UniDnf-SB 同步需求
舊的方式 |
4 |
4 ( 1 Future 3 Option )
4 |
新的方式 |
2 |
2 |
9 ( 4 Future 5 Option)
2 |
也就是新的方式架構更為簡單, 但能提供更多數據庫組合方式作為運用
同步的部分也能考慮改用 UniDbf Merge Server (UniDbf-MS), 那麼只需執行一個UniDbf-MS 便能替代多個UniDbf-SB
不過舊的設置方式中, 每個分流的PatsEmu-CME要先透過 /DbfId參數變更預設數據庫代碼0x0022成四個分別不同的代碼才能作為區別
新增Channel View可以查看所有Channel接收情形
調整CME Filter的方式, 易於對照交易所提供之商品是否正確
新的URDS增加8,9,10三種新的接收方式 (可參考 URDS延伸參數說明 )
由於URDS接收模式9,10為自行定義清單, 因此控制分流接收可以透過檔案內容設定不同清單,
也可用相同的完整清單設定透過 /Channel 參數作不同的分流設定
例如以目前的Future/Option兩個分流, 可以用一個完整的清單
URDS-ByList-SBE.cfg#註解行引符可為 # ; ' 與 Tab(x09)
#Title,#Group IP,#Listen port
#Title - 簡稱(30Bytes以內)
#Group IP - Multicast Group IP for join
#Listen port - port number for listen
#模式二(CME AB備源):
#Title - 以'*'帶Channel-ID作為Title, 例如 *300
#Group-A IP - Multicast Group IP for join
#Listen port - listen port for Group-A
#Group-B IP - Multicast Group IP for join
#Listen port - listen port for Group-B
#可透過 <enable> 與 <disable> 指定該行以下之設定是否生效
#CME MDP3.0 FIX/SBE的Multicast Group IP/port ( A/B-Feed )
*310,,14310 ,,15310
*311,,14311 ,,15311
*312,,14312 ,,15312
'*313,,14313 ,,15313
*314,,14314 ,,15314
*315,,14315 ,,15315
*316,,14316 ,,15316
'*317,,14317 ,,15317
*318,,14318 ,,15318
'*319,,14319 ,,15319
*320,,14320 ,,15320
*321,,14321 ,,15321
*340,,14340 ,,15340
*341,,14341 ,,15341
*342,,14342 ,,15342
*343,,14343 ,,15343
*344,,14344 ,,15344
*345,,14345 ,,15345
*346,,14346 ,,15346
*360,,14360 ,,15360
*361,,14361 ,,15361
'*380,,14380 ,,15380
'*381,,14381 ,,15381
*382,,14382 ,,15382
*383,,14383 ,,15383
*384,,14384 ,,15384
'*385,,14385 ,,15385
*386,,14386 ,,15386
'*387,,14387 ,,15387
'*410,,14410 ,,15410
'*430,,14430 ,,15430
'*431,,14431 ,,15431
'*440,,14440 ,,15440
'*441,,14441 ,,15441
'*450,,14450 ,,15450
'*460,,14460 ,,15460
'*461,,14461 ,,15461
Pars_10fut 內容為
/CfgFile URDS-ByList-SBE.cfg /Channel 310,312,314,316,318,382,386,384,360,320,340,346,342,344
Pars_10opt 內容為
/CfgFile URDS-ByList-SBE.cfg /Channel 341,343,345,311,315,321,383,361
*310,,14310 ,,15310
*312,,14312 ,,15312
*314,,14314 ,,15314
*316,,14316 ,,15316
*318,,14318 ,,15318
*382,,14382 ,,15382
*386,,14386 ,,15386
*384,,14384 ,,15384
*360,,14360 ,,15360
*320,,14320 ,,15320
*340,,14340 ,,15340
*346,,14346 ,,15346
*342,,14342 ,,15342
*344,,14344 ,,15344
*341,,14341 ,,15341
*343,,14343 ,,15343
*345,,14345 ,,15345
*311,,14311 ,,15311
*315,,14315 ,,15315
*321,,14321 ,,15321
*383,,14383 ,,15383
*361,,14361 ,,15361
Pars_10fut 內容為
/CfgFile URDS-ByList-SBEfut.cfg
Pars_10opt 內容為
/CfgFile URDS-ByList-SBEopt.cfg MDP3.0新的Channel的資料與流量可以參考CME頁面: Data Directly from the Market Data Platform擷取CME 2018-11-26的資料, 依頻寬使用狀態排序後的內容如下: Channel | Daily Message Count | Number of Messages at BW Peak | Bandwidth (Mbps) | Date/Time of Peak (24Hrs) | Protocol | Description | 311 | 54,252,560 | 18,452 | 120.708 | 14:14:44 | FIXBINARY | CME Globex Equity Options | 345 | 27,159,232 | 15,111 | 104.435 | 15:13:05 | FIXBINARY | CBOT Globex Interest Rate Options | 383 | 63,588,791 | 23,998 | 88.566 | 12:54:50 | FIXBINARY | NYMEX Globex Crude & Crude Refined Options | 317 | 12,473,761 | 14,502 | 69.22 | 08:34:30 | FIXBINARY | CME Globex Commodity Options | 319 | 24,625,467 | 7,178 | 63.189 | 14:14:16 | FIXBINARY | CME Globex Equity Options - excludes E-mini S&P 500 | 382 | 93,842,074 | 34,243 | 57.435 | 08:23:01 | FIXBINARY | NYMEX Globex Crude & Crude Refined Futures | 341 | 15,743,113 | 17,367 | 52.503 | 13:14:29 | FIXBINARY | CBOT Globex Commodity Options | 312 | 37,041,329 | 24,368 | 46.421 | 13:18:51 | FIXBINARY | CME Globex Interest Rate Futures | 361 | 13,790,117 | 9,246 | 41.069 | 10:28:11 | FIXBINARY | COMEX Globex Options | 344 | 22,126,345 | 24,290 | 37.85 | 10:35:17 | FIXBINARY | CBOT Globex Interest Rate Futures | 387 | 12,442,219 | 6,760 | 36.804 | 11:27:30 | FIXBINARY | NYMEX Globex Nat Gas & other Non-Crude Energy Options | 346 | 6,839,066 | 14,823 | 29.814 | 09:38:34 | FIXBINARY | CBOT Globex Commodity Futures II | 313 | 6,795,216 | 9,524 | 29.631 | 14:11:06 | FIXBINARY | CME Globex Interest Rate Options | 321 | 10,843,792 | 8,008 | 27.128 | 08:02:10 | FIXBINARY | CME Globex FX Options II | 386 | 33,888,018 | 15,861 | 27.038 | 11:11:06 | FIXBINARY | NYMEX Globex Nat Gas & other Non-Crude Energy Futures | 360 | 9,480,073 | 7,442 | 22.85 | 11:44:50 | FIXBINARY | COMEX Globex Futures | 315 | 11,584,605 | 5,171 | 17.273 | 08:02:10 | FIXBINARY | CME Globex FX Options | 316 | 2,197,607 | 9,049 | 16.959 | 11:18:45 | FIXBINARY | CME Globex Commodity Futures | 318 | 38,018,944 | 18,592 | 14.857 | 11:12:13 | FIXBINARY | CME Globex Equity Futures - excludes E-mini S&P 500 | 340 | 4,916,531 | 6,097 | 13.976 | 13:01:38 | FIXBINARY | CBOT Globex Commodity Futures | 246 | 289,355 | 1,348 | 13.796 | 15:42:02 | STREAMLINEFB | Eris Exchange | 201 | 9,401 | 3,205 | 12.795 | 08:32:27 | STREAMLINEFB | CME Cleared OTC | 320 | 23,957,777 | 7,769 | 9.71 | 08:02:00 | FIXBINARY | CME Globex FX Futures II | 310 | 5,889,183 | 7,422 | 8.349 | 14:59:59 | FIXBINARY | CME Globex Equity Futures | 348 | 1,652,549 | 2,732 | 7.345 | 07:15:39 | FIXBINARY | CBOT Globex Interest Rate Futures II | 343 | 937,862 | 883 | 7.092 | 09:37:02 | FIXBINARY | CBOT Globex Equity Index Options | 314 | 12,489,535 | 5,787 | 7.002 | 19:40:41 | FIXBINARY | CME Globex FX Futures | 212 | 3,407,773 | 723 | 5.996 | 14:47:31 | STREAMLINEFB | Bloomberg Indexes | 210 | 18,511,901 | 671 | 5.677 | 14:24:01 | STREAMLINEFB | S&P Indexes | 430 | 1,147,871 | 2,651 | 4.739 | 02:00:45 | FIXBINARY | BMD Globex Futures | 211 | 11,256,051 | 469 | 3.692 | 10:21:49 | STREAMLINEFB | Dow Jones Indexes | 460 | 673,762 | 1,313 | 3.348 | 13:01:38 | FIXBINARY | MGEX Globex Futures | 342 | 4,050,513 | 3,190 | 3.272 | 09:36:11 | FIXBINARY | CBOT Globex Equity Index Futures | 385 | 9,478 | 354 | 1.919 | 07:29:00 | FIXBINARY | NYMEX Globex Metals, Softs, & Alternative Market Options | 384 | 721,032 | 857 | 1.268 | 09:12:15 | FIXBINARY | NYMEX Globex Metals, Softs, & Alternative Market Futures | 431 | 10,576 | 1,748 | 1.094 | 08:31:05 | FIXBINARY | BMD Globex Options | 461 | 12,227 | 126 | 0.907 | 09:32:18 | FIXBINARY | MGEX Globex Options | 3 | 268,702 | 637 | 0.877 | 13:32:44 | ITC | CME Open Outcry (ITC 2.1) | 100 | 435,542 | 572 | 0.771 | 13:38:11 | ITC | CBOT Open Outcry (ITC 2.1) | 440 | 664,137 | 594 | 0.746 | 04:09:46 | FIXBINARY | DME Globex Futures | 245 | 48,833 | 439 | 0.605 | 12:47:45 | ITC | COMEX Open Outcry (ITC 2.1) | 450 | 114,019 | 50 | 0.548 | 14:00:00 | FIXBINARY | KRX Globex Futures | 244 | 91,731 | 396 | 0.545 | 15:30:43 | ITC | NYMEX Open Outcry (ITC 2.1) | 232 | 7,541 | 54 | 0.355 | 10:35:02 | STREAMLINEFB | NYMEX Block Trades | 229 | 2,896 | 199 | 0.242 | 13:46:27 | ITC | DME Non-Globex | 233 | 3,189 | 17 | 0.108 | 12:48:36 | STREAMLINEFB | COMEX Block Trades | 231 | 2,901 | 12 | 0.081 | 10:26:12 | STREAMLINEFB | CBOT Block Trades | 213 | 172,790 | 6 | 0.033 | 18:00:05 | STREAMLINEFB | CME CF Rates and Indexes | 230 | 2,902 | 5 | 0.032 | 13:22:13 | STREAMLINEFB | CME Block Trades | 380 | 2,924 | 15 | 0.014 | 17:00:00 | FIXBINARY | NYMEX Globex Emissions Futures | 381 | 2,889 | 6 | 0.006 | 17:00:00 | FIXBINARY | NYMEX Globex Emissions Options | 441 | 2,888 | 6 | 0.006 | 17:00:00 | FIXBINARY | DME Globex Options | 234 | 2,882 | 1 | 0.004 | 02:18:56 | STREAMLINEFB | DME Block Trades | 200 | 2,880 | 1 | 0.001 | 15:20:11 | STREAMLINEFB | CME Credit OTC | 其他舊的相關文章: PatsEmu-CME的商品篩選設定方式CME市場商品分析規劃CME FAST/Template Decode